Webinars | Zurich Instruments

SHFQC 量子测控仪一体机新产品发布会

史春艳 (chunyan.shi@zhinst.com)
Tobias Thiele (tobias.thiele@zhinst.com)

量子测控系统新产品——SHFQC 量子测控仪采用整机一体化设计,集成了 SHFQA 量子分析仪、SHFSG 信号发生器以及其他功能于一身,不仅可以提升量子系统调校的速度,而且可以执行复杂的量子算法。在本次研讨会中史春艳博士和 Tobias Thiele 博士还展示了如何用一台SHFQC 同时测控6个超导量子比特,进行高效脉冲级定序,并实现快速反馈算法。

DLTS User Meeting 2022

Hands-on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

July 12th, 2022
Organized by Zurich Instruments,
and hosted by Magdalena Marszalek (magdalena.marszalek@zhinst.com)

Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) is a critical tool for the characterization of semiconductors. In this second edition of the DLTS User Meeting, Zurich Instruments brought together members of the DLTS community, to foster knowledge exchange and to network through scientific talks on the study of defects in Sb2(SSe)3, and in metal halide perovskite solar cells. Detailed tutorials also covered the study of transients and data acquisition. To read the answers to the questions during the live event, take a look at this blog post. To discuss your DLTS challenge, get in touch with Dino Klotz (dino.klotz@zhinst.com) or Meng Li (meng.li@zhinst.com).

June 14th, 2022
Dino Klotz (dino.klotz@zhinst.com)
Magdalena Marszalek (magdalena.marszalek@zhinst.com)

Would you like to start impedance measurements, but don’t know how? Or do you already use impedance spectroscopy but would like to know more about theory and practice, while also learning some practical tips and tricks?

This webinar introduces the basics of impedance spectroscopy and related analysis, and gives practical hints to avoid common errors. It consists of a tutorial lecture followed by demonstrations showing how to configure a fault-free measurement and how to optimize your setup. This blog post offers a summary of the webinar and includes the presentation as well as the answers to the questions asked during the live event.

Quantum Technology User Meeting 2022

From Charge Dynamics in Solids to Single-Molecule Spectroscopy with SPM

Interfaces: How They Make or Break a Nanodevice

A Fast and Integrated Qubit Control System: SHFQC Launch Event

Quantum Material Characterization for Streamlined Qubit Development

Best Practices in Sensor Characterization and Control

Qubit Control and Measurement Solutions

Virtual DLTS User Meeting 2021

How to Characterize Magnetic Materials Using Lock-in Amplifiers

Virtual SPM User Meeting 2021

The Next Generation of Qubit Control: SHFSG Launch Event

June 13th - 15th, 2022
Organized by Zurich Instruments and Rohde & Schwarz,
and hosted by Clemens Müller (clemens.mueller@zhinst.com)

Quantum technologies progress towards useful applications at a tremendous pace, with different technological platforms and approaches being explored. As key enablers of control and measurement solutions for quantum computing applications, Zurich Instruments and Rohde & Schwarz brought together researchers in quantum technologies working in different areas and facing distinct challenges but share core competencies and important know-how. Read Clemens' blog to learn more about this webinar.

April 28th, 2022
Romain Stomp (romain.stomp@zhinst.com)

In this video, Prof. Peter Grutter provides an overview of his current research aimed at developing ultrafast laser methods combined with AFM to gain a better understanding of charge dynamics at the molecular time and length scales. He then presents his most recent results on mechanically detecting single electrons for single-molecule spectroscopy. The outlook of his talk addresses plans to adapt these methods to elucidate the energetics of organic charge transfer systems as well as the quantum properties of single and coupled dopants in silicon. Following Prof. Grutter's talk, Application Scientist Romain Stomp illustrates how the discussed methods can be implemented with Zurich Instruments' rich toolbox. The answers to the questions asked during the live event are summarized in this blog post.

March 29th, 2022
Jelena Trbovic (jelena.trbovic@zhinst.com)
Heidi Potts (heidi.potts@zhinst.com)

As the size of electronic devices goes down to few nanometers, interfaces become increasingly relevant and often dominate and interfere with a device's performance. Hybrid devices are a particularly good example, because they rely on interfacing materials with different physical properties to control superconductivity, spin or other carrier characteristics in the active parts of the device. The performance of these structures depends critically on their reliable fabrication and interface characterization. In this webinar, Jelena Trbovic and Heidi Potts take you from general interface considerations to nanodevice characterization with lock-in amplifiers: you learn how to set up low-noise measurements and how to characterize devices on ultrafast timescales using RF reflectometry. The answers to the questions asked during the live event are summarized in this blog post.

March 3rd, 2022
Jan Benhelm (jan.benhelm@zhinst.com)
Tobias Thiele (tobias.thiele@zhinst.com)
Bruno Küng (bruno.kueng@zhinst.com)

In this video, Jan, Tobias and Bruno present the SHFQC Qubit Controller and discuss how this instrument can help speed up system tune-up and complex algorithm execution. The presentation includes practical demonstrations showing how to use the SHFQC to control, read out and perform fast feedback on up to 6 superconducting qubits with a single instrument, as well as a discussion of how the SHFQC can be integrated into larger qubit control systems. The answers to the questions asked during the live event are summarized in this blog post.

November 11th, 2021
Edward Kluender (edward.kluender@zhinst.com)
Jim Phillips (jim.phillips@zhinst.com)
Jelena Trbovic (jelena.trbovic@zhinst.com)
Clemens Müller (clemens.mueller@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Ed, Jim, Jelena and Clemens look at how lock-in amplifiers offer a prime way to probe and understand material properties relevant for qubit coherence while keeping measurement times and complexity to a minimum. They discuss the basic working principles of semi- and superconducting qubits and demonstrate how to characterize frequency and loss fluctuations in readout resonators, as also summarized in this blog post.

November 9th, 2021
Kıvanç Esat (kivanc.esat@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Kıvanç Esat is joined by Dr. Tomás Manzaneque García (TU Delft) to look into the best practices for the characterization of a sensor with lock-in amplifiers. Kıvanç and Tomás cover practical examples including mechanical micro-resonators and optomechanical systems, they show how to set up feedback controllers for maximal precision and review the existing trade-offs between open- and closed-loop operation. A summary of the answers to the questions asked during the live event can be found in this blog post.

September 23rd, 2021
Bruno Küng (bruno.kueng@zhinst.com)

Bruno Küng, Prof. Stefan Filipp (Technical University of Munich and Walther-Meißner Institute) and Max Werninghaus (Technical University of Munich) look at how the growing effort towards large-scale superconducting quantum computers calls for instruments giving access to established methods for qubit control and measurement with as little engineering overhead as possible. Prof. Filipp covers the basics of superconducting quantum computing, including recent advances in optimal control methods for maximizing qubit gate fidelity. Bruno presents how to design and operate a qubit control setup at microwave frequencies with a simple Python interface controlling the measurement instruments; Max Werninghaus carries out a hands-on demonstration of this setup on a real qubit.

July 8th, 2021
organized by Zurich Instruments
and hosted by Magdalena Marszalek (magdalena.marszalek@zhinst.com)

Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) is a critical tool for the characterization of all forms of semiconductors. In this first edition of the DLTS User Meeting, Zurich Instruments brought together members of the DLTS community to foster knowledge exchange and networking through scientific talks discussing semiconductor defect characterization and the effects of radiation on III-V optoelectronic devices. Detailed tutorials also covered the study of transients and data acquisition. To read the answers to the questions asked during the live event, take a look at this blog post. To discuss your DLTS challenge, get in touch with Tim Ashworth (tim.ashworth@zhinst.com), Roberto Foddis (roberto.foddis@zhinst.com) or Meng Li (meng.li@zhinst.com).

June 29th, 2021
Jelena Trbovic (jelena.trbovic@zhinst.com)
Yury Bugoslavsky (Cryogenic Ltd)

In this webinar, Jelena Trbovic and Yury Bugoslavsky review the basics of magnetic materials and present characterization methods taking advantage of lock-in amplifiers. In particular, Jelena and Yury discuss how to distinguish between different types of magnetic materials using magnetization characterization techniques such as those based on the vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and AC susceptibility. They also look at how to ensure that lock-in measurements are performed correctly. This blog post offers a summary of the webinar and includes the answers to some of the questions asked during the live event.

May 20th, 2021
organized by Zurich Instruments
and hosted by Magdalena Marszalek (magdalena.marszalek@zhinst.com)

Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) offers many powerful techniques to image and control microscopic objects. In this fifth edition of the SPM User Meeting, Zurich Instruments brought together SPM enthusiasts to foster knowledge exchange and networking through scientific talks discussing the latest advances on how to image functional materials (such as perovskites, solar cells and ferroelectrics), through detailed tutorials and with a round table on Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM). To discuss your SPM challenge, get in touch with Romain Stomp (romain.stomp@zhinst.com) and Mehdi Alem (mehdi.alem@zhinst.com).

April 29th, 2021
Jan Benhelm (jan.benhelm@zhinst.com)
Mark Kasperczyk (mark.kasperczyk@zhinst.com)
Bruno Küng (bruno.kueng@zhinst.com)

In this video, Jan, Mark and Bruno present the SHFSG Signal Generator and discuss how this instrument represents the next step for quantum computing control systems. The presentation includes practical demonstrations showing how to operate the instrument at 8.5 GHz without mixer calibration, how to maximize quantum gate fidelities thanks to high-purity signals, and how to control up to 8 superconducting or spin qubits per instrument. The answers to the questions asked during the live event are summarized in this blog post.

Probing Local Magnetic Field Patterns

The Next Generation of Quantum Analyzers: SHFQA Launch Event

Von Transportmessungen in der Festkörperphysik zur Impedanzanalyse in der Elektrotechnik

Focus on Recovering Signals in Optical Experiments

Boost Your SPM Applications: From Kelvin Probe to Time-Resolved Measurements

A Fast and Scalable Approach to Controlling 100 Qubits and More

Nanoscale Light-Matter Interactions

Optimize the Signal Acquisition for Optics and Photonics Measurements

Impedance Analysis: Measuring Low and Fast

Optimize the Signal Acquisition for Optical Measurements

Nanostructure Transport Characterization

Sensor Characterization and Control

February 11th, 2021
Jelena Trbovic (jelena.trbovic@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Jelena and Prof. Martino Poggio (University of Basel) look into how macroscopic manifestations of quantum mechanics involving strongly correlated states, e.g. superconductivity and magnetism, are sensitive to the local environment. Nanometer-scale spatial resolution is often required to identify the conditions for the emergence of such macroscopic behaviors. Martino talks about the basic principles and applications of magnetic imaging techniques, including NV-center and nano-wire MFM microscopy, that shed light on magnetization patterns, spin configurations and current distributions. Jelena shows how lock-in amplifiers can be used with such local probing techniques to enhance their sensitivity and contrast. In this blog post, Jelena answers the questions asked during the live session.

November 17th, 2020
Sadik Hafizovic (sadik.hafizovic@zhinst.com)
Paolo Navaretti (paolo.navaretti@zhinst.com)
Tobias Thiele (tobias.thiele@zhinst.com)

In this video, Paolo, Sadik and Tobias provide a technical overview of the SHFQA Quantum Analyzer and discuss its capabilities. Instrument demonstrations show how to measure a resonator at 8 GHz and perform the parallel readout of 16 qubits, as well as how to take advantage of the SHFQA's feedback capabilities and integrate the SHFQA into a 10-instrument Quantum Computing Control System (QCCS). The answers to the questions asked during the live event are summarized in this blog post.

12. November 2020
Claudius Riek (claudius.riek@zhinst.com)

Nach einer kurzen Einführung in das Lock-in Verstärker Messverfahren erfahren Sie, wie diese Messtechnik bessere und schnellere Transportmessungen ermöglicht. Anschließend bekommen Sie die Vorteile der Messmethode für den Einsatz zur Impedanzanalyse an Festkörperproben und elektrischen Bauteilen an den beiden folgenden konkreten Beispielen illustriert: DLTS Messungen und die Charakterisierung von DC-Link Kondensatoren. Schauen Sie sich die Folien an und lesen Sie die Antworten auf die gestellten Fragen im Blog Post von Claudius.

October 22nd, 2020
Claudius Riek (claudius.riek@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Claudius shows how specific settings on lock-in amplifiers and boxcar averagers impact the results of a measurement in optical experiments by looking at the filter function, the filter order and the time constant. He then discusses the relevance of typical properties of electronic measurement devices for optical experiments such as the instrument's dynamic range, measurement bandwidth and signal input noise. Claudius answers the questions asked during the live session in this blog post.

October 8th, 2020
Romain Stomp (romain.stomp@zhinst.com)
Mehdi Alem (mehdi.alem@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Romain and Mehdi discuss how to address complex detection schemes in scanning probe microscopy (SPM) with the highest possible resolution. They carry out tutorials on Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) and electrical pump-probe methods, and consider a practical example of FM-KPFM measurement using the MFLI Lock-in Amplifier with a FlexAFM microscope. Romain's blog post highlights some important take-home messages, includes useful additional resources, and summarises the answers to the many questions asked during the live event.

August 20th, 2020
Tobias Thiele (tobias.thiele@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Tobias discusses how our instruments simplify and accelerate the development of ambitious quantum computing projects going from a few to more than 100 qubits. Focusing on two of the most promising systems, namely superconducting and spin qubits, he shows how to perform Rabi oscillations within a day and how to control and read out qubits with the highest speed and fidelity. Tobias answers some of the questions asked during the live session in this blog post.

July 23rd, 2020
Claudius Riek (claudius.riek@zhinst.com)
Romain Stomp (romain.stomp@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Claudius and Romain are joined by Prof. Markus Raschke (University of Colorado Boulder) and his student Mr. Samuel Johnson to present the growing field of tip-enhanced scanning probe microscopy and its application to precision spectroscopy, ultrafast-nano-imaging and, in the strong coupling limit, cavity quantum electrodynamics. In particular, Claudius shows how to maximize the signal and image information content with advanced measurement instrumentation. Claudius, Markus and Samuel answer many of the questions asked during the live event here.

June 23rd, 2020
Claudius Riek (claudius.riek@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Claudius focusses on four prototypical techniques in optics and photonics: tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS), pump-probe spectroscopy, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), and carrier-envelope offset (CEO) stabilization. He looks into how to choose the most suitable measurement scheme for your experiment, e.g. a lock-in amplifier or a boxcar averager, and discusses how to save precious measurement time and record high-quality data with the highest signal-to-noise ratio. Claudius answers the questions asked during the live session here; he covers some crucial aspects related to the topic of his webinar in this blog post.

June 11th, 2020
Tim Ashworth (tim.ashworth@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Tim looks at two impedance measurement challenges. In the first case, he shows how to measure equivalent series resistance (ESR) below 1 mOhm and equivalent series inductance (ESL) below 20 nH for a DC-Link capacitor. In the second example, he discusses how to strike a balance between measurement speed and precision in fast capacitance measurements (on the time scale of microseconds) used to investigate the transient behavior of devices and materials. Tim's answers to many of the questions asked during the live session are available here.

May 26th, 2020
Claudius Riek (claudius.riek@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Claudius shows how to choose the best measurement approach (lock-in amplification vs boxcar averaging) and settings for your optical measurements to minimize the implementation effort, save time, and record high-quality data with the highest signal-to-noise ratio. The focus is on four prototypical techniques in optics and photonics: tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS), pump-probe spectroscopy, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), and carrier-envelope offset (CEO) stabilization. In this blog post, Claudius answers the questions asked during the live session; here he covers some crucial aspects related to the topic of his webinar.

May 14th, 2020
Jelena Trbovic (jelena.trbovic@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Jelena looks into the basic transport characteristics of materials and nanostructures, and discusses how to set up a lock-in amplifier to perform the fastest measurements with the highest signal-to-noise ratio. An exhaustive summary of her answers to the questions asked during the live session is available here.

April 30th, 2020
Kıvanç Esat (kivanc.esat@zhinst.com)

In this webinar, Kıvanç looks at the best ways to use time- and frequency-domain tools to characterize sensing devices. In particular, he shows how to set up feedback loops for sensor control without the need for time-consuming and expensive application-specific integrated circuitry (ASIC) development. A detailed blog post accompanies this webinar.

Virtual SPM User Meeting 2020

Session 1: Ferroelectrics control

Session 2: Time-resolved SPM methods

April 16th, 2020
Brice Gautier, Romain Stomp (romain.stomp@zhinst.com)

This session features a talk by Prof. Brice Gautier (INSA Lyon) and a tutorial by Dr. Romain Stomp (Zurich Instruments).

In his talk, Brice reviews the technical aspects enabling the use of PFM for domain imaging, hysteresis loops and domain engineering in the DFRT mode. He points out the most common artefacts and shows how experimental conditions influence measured properties. Brice also provides examples of ferroelectric domain control by means of an electric field or mechanical stress. Following the talk, Romain's tutorial looks into the DFRT method and feedback optimization.

April 16th, 2020
Valentin Aubriet, Mehdi Alem (mehdi.alem@zhinst.com)

This session features a talk by Mr. Valentin Aubriet (CEA-LETI Grenoble) and a tutorial by Dr. Mehdi Alem (Zurich Instruments).

In his talk, Valentin presents a setup for heterodyne Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (h-KPFM) – featuring the HF2LI Lock-in Amplifier – under frequency-modulated and wavelength-dependent illumination. He then shows how to characterize silicon interfaces embedded under different types of oxides. In the tutorial following this talk, Mehdi discusses electrical pump-probe methods with arbitrary waveform generators.


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